Privacy Policy

  1. LegistLens Canada Corp. is committed to protecting the privacy of all our clients. We certainly recognize and act in compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), as we continue to provide exceptional service.
  2. When you choose LegistLens Canada Corp., we ensure, to the extent that is possible, your personal information is kept confidential. We will not sell, rent or loan any information.  Our privacy policy upholds the principles outlined in PIPEDA.
  3. This privacy policy (the “Policy”) describes how we collect, protect, use and share information gathered about you on the Site. We hope that this disclosure will help increase your confidence in the Site and enhance your experience on the Internet. Please note that by visiting LegistLens Canada Corp. at the Site, you are accepting the practices described in this Policy.
  4. Due to the nature of the services we provide at LegistLens Canada Corp., we are often called upon to collect personal information in order provide our clients with the legal service provider or lawyer whose advertised skills most closely matches the information provided.  Information collected or acquired through the platform: are primarily for the purpose of providing referral services between the public and lawyers / providers of legal service.  LegistLens Canada Corp.  will continue to clearly identify the purposes for which such personal information is gathered prior to, or at the time of collection. If you are unclear about the purpose for which we collect information, ask us. 
  5. As well, if you feel that our purpose for collecting any information is not necessary to your particular case, you do not have to provide us with that information. As an individual, you are entitled to providing us with your consent to the use and disclosure of personal information. By filling in any online forms on our platform: and by providing us with your information through any other channel, you are consenting to the use and disclosure of said information.  
  6. Please note that once you submit any information online (whether electronically either by email or through the internet or on our platform), that information is in the public domain.  As such, while we strive to protect personal information, we cannot assure that any information you submit online is totally protected.



  1. As a visitor to our website, you do not have to submit any personal information in order to use this site. By visiting our website, you agree that we may collect and use information for the appropriate purposes in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with its terms, please do not access this site. Each time you access the LegistLens Canada Corp. website / platform you accept and agree to be bound by the Privacy Policy including any changes or updates which may have been made to it.
  2. We do not identify individual visitors to our website other than by their IP address, except in instances where they provide their information directly to us for the purposes of doing business (including instances where members of the public provide their personal information for the purpose of obtaining a referral pursuant to the services we offer and in instances where lawyers and mobile legal service providers give us their information for the purpose of connecting them with potential clients or for obtaining other services we provide to lawyers and mobile legal service providers). 
  3. We only use IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer our website and to gather broad demographic information using a standard website statistics software package. This helps us to understand what information is most useful so that we can make it easier to find out information and to provide the most up-to-date, relevant information to our visitors. We record the statistical information on the numbers of visitors to our site but no information about you in particular will be kept or used.
  4. When you voluntarily provide information through contacting us or one of the lawyers utilizing the services on this platform (including via email communications), you are consenting to providing us personal information about yourself and as such, are bound by the privacy principles outlined above. 
  5. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure the appropriate use of information, we have established physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. 
  6. Unfortunately, no data transmitted over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100 per cent secure.  We therefore cannot guarantee the security of any information you provide via the internet or electronically. As a result, we cannot assure the security of any information transmitted to us and you do so at your own risk.
  7. LegistLens Canada Corp. informs and receives the consent of an individual for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, except as required by law. Private information is only provided if we are required to provide it by law or if public security is at stake.
  8. LegistLens Canada Corp. limits the collection of personal information to the amount and type of information necessary for the purposes we identify. All information is collected by fair and lawful means.
  9. LegistLens Canada Corp. only retains your personal information as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. We limit the use of your personal information, and it is not disclosed for purposes other than those for which the information was collected, except with your consent, or as required by law.
  10. LegistLens Canada Corp. keeps all personal information under its control accurate, complete and as up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is being used. If information needs to be updated, we make every effort to update our records and advise other parties having access to the information of these changes.
  11. LegistLens Canada Corp. keeps personal information safe from loss, unauthorized use, changes or disclosure. When we no longer need your information, we take the necessary precautions destroying the information just as we do while storing it.
  12. LegistLens Canada Corp. is open and honest at all times, providing you with specific information about our policies and practices regarding the management of all personal information. If you have any questions or concerns, we provide the answers and help you to understand.
  13. LegistLens Canada Corp. provides access to information we have in our possession. It is your right to know what this information is and whom we have given it to. We respond to your requests as soon as possible and if we cannot respond right away, we advise you.
  14. You have the right to challenge our compliance with PIPEDA. LegistLens Canada Corp. has in place enquiry and complaint procedures, and we take the appropriate action to correct personal information handling policies and practices.
  15. We have the right to refuse your request for information in certain circumstances. These circumstances include information that would reveal personal information about other individuals, confidential commercial information, instances where the security of another individual is at stake, information that is protected by solicitor-client privilege, or where information collected is related to the detection and prevention of fraud. All of our employees and agents are committed to upholding this Privacy Policy.
  16. If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact:



    Personal information is any information about an identifiable person.
    What Personal Information does LegistLens Canada Corp. collect and how does LegistLens Canada Corp. use this Personal Information?
    LegistLens Canada Corp. collects your personal information on the Website / Platform: from you, to be used for the purposes identified to you at the time of collection of that information. For example, LegistLens Canada Corp. may collect, via its Website / Platform:, your first and last name, email address and a description of your matter, for the purpose of referring / connecting / linking you with a lawyer or other provider of legal services who provides the legal service you may require.

    LegistLens Canada Corp. will not disclose your personal information to any third party, except: 
    1. for the purpose identified to you at the time of collection Identification (for example, for referring you to a lawyer or other provider of legal service); and
    2. to other third parties, such as sponsors and website content partners/agents etc., but only where and tot eh extent you have given us permission to do so.

    “Aggregate information” is standard web server/visitor traffic information, commonly referred to as ‘aggregate information’, regarding overall website traffic patterns. We do not report on individual user sessions. Web servers normally collect this type of basic information as part of their web log processes. This aggregate information does not identify you and thus does not constitute personal information.
    In addition to information provided by our visitors we use the normal Internet tracking tools associated with standard Internet protocols and web–based systems. This system information is typically stored in log files and the information is used for aggregate reporting. Aggregate reporting includes total number of visitors, most visited sections, peak traffic times, etc. Log files are simply transaction records web servers maintain. Those logs are used for recording information, such as service provider IP addresses; browser versions; referring websites; search terms used; average number of pages requested; average duration of visit; and total visitor traffic.
    We use aggregate information gathered from your visit to better design our website. This information supplies us with a broad picture of how people use our website in order to help the management of our systems and to better serve our audience.
    In order to prevent unauthorized access, maintain the accuracy of your personal information and ensure that your personal information is used and disclosed only pursuant to this Policy, LegistLens Canada Corp. strives to maintain physical, electronic, contractual and administrative safeguards to secure your personal information we collect from the Site with a level of security that is appropriate to the sensitivity of the personal information collected.

    This privacy statement applies only to the Website / platform: Website / Platform: Please be aware that LegistLens Canada Corp. is not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites to which it has links. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of each and every website that requests personal information from you.

    A cookie is a small text file sent from a Web server and placed on your computer’s hard drive. A cookie is generally used to enhance your browsing experience. You can choose to set your browser to detect and reject cookies, to accept cookies from all sites, or to prompt you whenever a site wants to send you a cookie. Check your browser’s “Help” files to learn how to do this. If you choose to refuse cookies, you may not be able to access some of the interactive features on our Web sites.
    Cookies used by LegistLens Canada Corp., do not give us access to anything on your hard drive and cannot do anything to your computer. Cookies used by LegistLens Canada Corp. are encrypted for security purposes to make any information in the cookie unreadable to anyone outside of LegistLens Canada CorpLegistLens Canada Corp. uses two types of cookies: session cookies (temporary) or persistent cookies (longer–term continuing use).
    Session cookies may be used to support on–line feedback / discussion, forms and registration etc. They are used only during your online session and expire when you close your browser. Without session cookies, moving around the Site could be much slower.
    Persistent cookies are different from session cookies because they are stored on your computer’s hard drive for some length of time. They are usually used if you want us to remember information about your Web preferences and passwords for automatic log–in purposes.

    For all inquires as to your personal information, including requests to access or correct personal information, please send a written request to: